Thank you for visiting the Missouri Charter Public School Commission’s website. We are Missouri’s only sole-purpose statewide sponsor. We evaluate the application, founding team and local governance group of prospective charter public schools. If the Commission approves their application, we help the school gain approval by the State Board of Education. Charter public schools sponsored by the Commission must enter into a binding contract that details the conditions under which the school must operate and the outcomes they must obtain.
Not all charter school applications are approved. And not all charter schools are sponsored by the Commission. This site provides you with additional information about charter schools, the schools sponsored by the Commission and their performance. We invite you to also visit the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's Charter School Office and the Missouri Charter Public School Association for information on all charter schools in Missouri.
If you have any questions, a concern about a particular charter school sponsored by the Commission or would like additional information, please visit our “Contact Us” page.