The Missouri Charter Public School Commission is Missouri's sole-purpose charter sponsor (RSMo 160.425).  Lawmakers, charter school advocates and education reformers wanted an independent sponsoring entity with the authority to sponsor high quality charter schools throughout Missouri.  Click here for more information on the role of a charter school sponsor.


Nine (9) citizens, appointed by the Governor with consent of the Senate make up the Commission. Commissioners are selected from a slate of three (3) nominees provided from each of the following:  the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education, Commissioner of Higher Education, President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Missouri School Boards Association.  Four members are direct appointments by the Governor. No more than five members can be of the same political party and no more than two members can come from the same US Congressional District. Members serve a four year term.

The Commission is a state agency funded solely by the funds generated through sponsorship.  It's budget is approved annually by the Commission, State Board of Education, the Missouri General Assembly, and the Governor. 

If the State Board of Education removes the authority of another sponsor, the Commission will become the new sponsor for any of their current charter schools.

Commission Staff

Currently, the Commission has five staff members:

The Custodian of Records for Open Record  or "Sunshine" requests is Shawn Williams, Deputy Director of Community Engagement,  

MCPSC Meeting Schedule

The Commission typically meets the third Wednesday of each month at 9 a.m. Meetings are held via WebEx and in person, in locations throughout Missouri.  All meeting notices and agendas are posted on our website in accordance with Missouri's "Sunshine Law."  

FY24 Meeting Schedule

  • May 14 -15 - Columbia, MO
  • June - No meeting scheduled