MCPSC sponsored charter schools are authorized by the State Board of Education as public schools and Local Education Agencies (LEAs).
Each school we sponsor has its own page, where parents, taxpayers, and other stakeholders can find important information to understand the school's promises and performance.
Each school's page includes:
- Original charter and each charter renewal - Describing their plan
- Performance contract, contract amendments, and goals - Describing their promises
- Annual reports - Describing their performance
- Current transparency reports - Evidence of their compliance with statute, regulations, and Commission standards
- Examples of evidence include a board roster, financial statements, board meeting materials, student and staff handbooks, board policies, and annual audits, among many others.
If you wish to see something included in the transparency report, please contact us at
Not all Missouri charter schools are sponsored by the Commission. You can find a list of all Missouri charter public schools and their sponsors by clicking this link.