The Commission and staff use the National Association of Charter School Authorizer’s Principles and Standards as their guide to high quality sponsorship and the foundation of its policies, processes and reports.
All Commission sponsored schools are held accountable to their charter, performance contract, performance goals, applicable Missouri statues and regulations, Commission policies, and our performance framework.
- The performance framework contain the key measures reported annually for each school.
- Researched-based protocols (below) are designed to provide consistent reporting of the qualitative components of sponsored schools during annual accountability visits.
- Annual reports also assist schools in making course corrections and scaling success.
Commission policies relate to the MCPSC's decision-making — including sponsorship, renewal, transfers and closures.
Commission Policies
- 1.01 Commission Operations
- 1.02 Open Records
- 1.03 Commission Meeting
- 1.04 Financial Policies
- 2.01 Core Sponsorship Principles
- 2.02 Approval of New Charter Schools
- 2.03 New Sponsor Applications
- 2.04 Transfer Schools
- 3.01 Performance Based Oversight
- 3.02 Intervention
- 3.03 Contract Amendments
- 3.04 Charter School Renewal
- 3.05 Record Retention
- 3.06 Complaints
- 3.07 Revocation