Charter School Sponsorship = Accountability + Autonomy + Access

Accountability + Autonomy + Access are the guiding principles of the charter school model.

The model is rooted in the belief that schools should be held accountable for student learning.  Accountability is one-half of the “grand- bargain” of autonomy for accountability in the charter school model.  Each charter school is held responsible for their charter, performance contract, performance goals, applicable Missouri statues and regulations, Commission policies, and our performance framework.  Failure to meet these expectations can lead to school closure.  

In exchange for the accountability, schools are given autonomy in their approach to educating students in their care.  Autonomy is the ability to self-govern and have the flexibility to make decisions about how resources- staffing, curriculum, finances, school calendar, etc. are allocated.  

The model is also rooted in the belief that all students deserve access to a high quality public school optionCharter schools are open, free and public allowing access to all students irrespective of race, ethnicity, income, or ability. 

Read more about charter school accountability in Missouri.