MCPSC testifies in favor of SB292
February 12, 2019
Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee. My name is Robbyn Wahby. I am the executive director of the Missouri Charter Public School Commission. We are a state agency whose only purpose is sponsoring schools.
I am testifying in favor of SB292, but with this caveat. SB292 may result in more applications. But, it is important that as you decide on this matter, you know that the Commission— acting on behalf of the people of Missouri— will only approve applications that meet our stringent requirements for quality.
That’s how we will operate because that’s how we have been operating.
We have rejected more applications than we have approved. The ones we approve are themselves vigorous because we have created a stringent set of standards that guide our decision making on everything… governance, administration, class room instruction, and parental involvement. It is so hard to get our approval that it is not uncommon for a potential school to take years honing their application until they get it right.
The Missouri Charter Public School Commission— me, my staff, and the commissioners appointed by the governor— do not view this as a cultural war over who should educate our kids and who shouldn’t. Some of us feel strongly about school choice as a political matter, and some of us don’t. But, we all believe that every child deserves a good education— whether that is in a school district, a private or parochial school, or a charter school.
We are passionately public. The Commission is a public entity. All of our business is conducted in accordance with Missouri Sunshine Law. The Commission’s meetings are publicized and materials made available to the public. We post every application we receive. The Commission holds a public hearing in the community the school wishes to serve so we can hear what parents and residence think. I personally speak with the local superintendent about the proposed school. We interview the citizen board members to determine if they have the capacity to govern this public school. Only after does the Commission vote – in public – to approve sponsorship.
We are focused on and committed to quality sponsoring. We do not concern ourselves with the size of our portfolio, only what is in the best interest of the public. The Commission is clear and consistent about our expectations in our application, review process, compliance and accountability practices, and in decisions to renew or revoke.
We use best business practices for the best work. Our work is based on well researched and proven practices that drive quality and protect autonomy. We have done our homework— and then some. Our policies, procedures, and standards come from national best practices.
While we hold schools accountable, we too are held accountable— by you. The governor appoints the commission with your approval. You approve our budget and as such provide oversight.
We are not trying to put anyone out of business. We are not trying to build an empire. We work for you and the taxpayers of Missouri to make more good schools available to more kids. As such, we are solely focused on our job of approving or disapproving new schools. We have become experts in that area.
So, I support expanding the option of charter schools to more parents. But, unless an application meets our high standards, fills a learning gap, and is needed and wanted by parents, we will not approve it.