Questions can be directed to Martha McGeehon, Deputy Director for Accountability martha.mcgeehon@mcpsc.mo.gov
Submit all proposals to: info@mcpsc.mo.gov
A successful contractor will coordinate the completion of 17 formative reviews, based on the criteria in the Commission’s Annual School Site Visit Protocol for the schools in the Commission’s portfolio. The visits will take place between October and April.
The majority of the visits will be on site and must include observing a board meeting. Some of the visits may be virtual depending on the specific circumstances of the school.
The successful contractor:
• Must faithfully implement the Commission’s Annual School Site Visit Protocol.
• Will work with the school leader or designee to schedule and coordinate the site visit schedule.
• Will recruit a team of two or three people for each visit. MCPSC will provide support in identifying potential team members and approves team. (Coordinator could serve as a team member but will be contracted separately for that work)
• Will provide training for any team members who have not conducted a visit with MCPSC
• Will finalize the written site visit report for each school for MCPSC Deputy Director of Accountability.
• Must have demonstrated success in using school quality protocols. (MCPSC site visit protocol can be found at: https://mcpsc.mo.gov/starting-a-school/standards-policies-and-practices)
Contract can be renewed for up to three years.
Questions can be directed to Martha McGeehon, Deputy Director for Accountability
Proposals should be submitted to info@mcpsc.mo.gov
Bid Dates: June 7-June 17, 2023