Monitoring and Accountability are crucial aspects of charter public schools, as they are granted autonomy in exchange for being individually responsible for their academic performance. 

To ensure accountability, there are standards, policies, and practices in place. 

  • The Missouri Charter Public School Commission follows the National Association of Charter School Authorizer's Principles and Standards for sponsorship. 
  • All Commission sponsored schools are held accountable to their charter, performance contract, performance goals, applicable Missouri statues and regulations, Commission Policies, and our Performance Framework.  
  • The Commission monitors compliance in a variety of ways including: document review, onsite monitoring, and review of data.  
  • Annually the Commission issues an annual report for each school detailing performance in academics, finance, operations, learning environment, and governance. 
  • Charter schools in Missouri are also required to go through a renewal process.  As part of this process charter schools must address gaps in any performance areas outlined in the school’s annual report and provide information on expected outcomes, strategies for achieving them, dissemination of best practices.
  • At any point in the charter life cycle in The Commission has concerns about a school’s performance in any of the areas outlined above The Commission may exercise its’ Intervention Policy.  
  • The ultimate accountability for a charter school if they fail to meet the terms of the contract is school closure.